Tag Archives: dating advice

New Reviews for My Letter to Fear!

The reviews are in from Readers’ Favorite, and they like me! Okay, they like “My Letter to Fear (Essays on Life, Love and the Search for Prince Charming),” and that’s not really me (except, if you’ve read the book, you know that I’m pretty much in the middle of it all).  If you want to

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Interview with The Feminist Observer

  A couple of months ago, I did an interview with Sarah J. Browne for The Feminist Observer. It’s out now, and I’m this month’s “Featured Feminist!”  It was a fun interview, and I hope you get a chuckle or two out of reading it.      Patricia Steffy, otherwise known as Kate of Kate

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Inspiration from an Unlikely Source

Where does the inspiration for you to write come from?  This is a tricky question to answer right now because I’m constantly struggling to find that spark of inspiration, but I can tell you what has most consistently sparked my writing binges in the past: anger. I know, that sounds so not “keep-your-blog-thoughts-positive-and-uplifting,” but it’s

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This Week on Dating in LA

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week: Dating in LA Reassessing the Dream At what point do you choose something better, or admit that something isn’t working? Dating Advice for Kate This behind-the-scenes video (from the original series based on this blog) features character (and actor) advice about starting over again in the dating

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Behind-the-Scenes: Dating Advice for Kate

The characters (and actors) of Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths (the original web series coming soon) have some dating advice for Kate. From heartfelt to hysterical, they give their take on the pitfalls of dating in any city, but especially LA.  Fans of The X-Files will get a particular kick out of Chloe’s

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This Week on Dating in LA

It has been a busy week here at Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths. If you’ve been busy, too, here is what you’ve missed: The Advantages of Dating After a Certain Age While aging in LA brings challenges to the dating scene, there is also one very big advantage Relaunching the Travel Blog Check

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Five Things to Do (and Not Do) When Dating in LA

In the last few years, I’ve gotten the chance to see the insanity that counts for dating in Los Angeles. And while I’ve largely avoided it, what I’ve observed needs to serve as a warning to others. Here are my tips for things to do (and not do) when dating in Los Angeles: