Monthly Archives: December 2013

Happy Holidays!

What are you guys doing for the holidays? Seeing family? Eating a lot of cookies? Treating yourselves to something fancy? Putting on your party clothes? Sound off in the comments and let me know how you plan on spending Christmas/New Year’s Eve. And whatever you end up planning (even if it’s just your annual Bridget Jones

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This Week on Dating in LA

The holidays have landed on us! You may be still running around shopping. You might be cooking up a storm. You might be on the road (or in the air). Wherever you are, and whatever you’e been doing, here is what you’ve missed. Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths Review: The Great Indoors Throwback

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Throwback Thursday: Political Me

Have you ever completely forgotten something about yourself? I was flipping through an old yearbook (very old: 1982), and I read the caption underneath a picture. I recognized myself in the photo, but it looked very formal– after all I was wearing a blue blazer (one that in revolving fashion was sold last year at

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Dating in LA

We’re already well into holiday mode here at Dating in LA. If you’ve been busy being festive, here’s what you have missed:   Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths Don’t You Forget About Me What is the Color of his Pants Trying to Communicate? Review: And Life Comes Back Your Favorite Destinations

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Don’t You Forget About Me

I recently finished reading a novel by Jancee Dunn called “Don’t You Forget About Me.”  If you are a child of the 80s, you probably sang that title.   And in many ways, the book is all about the 80s—the songs, the products, the hairspray. But it’s also very much about memory and perception, and

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What is the color of his pants trying to communicate?

With our one year anniversary recently on our minds, the boy and I have been doing a lot of reminiscing about things like our first date, first impressions, etc.  I remember quite vividly many things about him—particularly the moment when he first opened the door at my friend C’s apartment.  So, when I got this

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Review: “And Life Comes Back”

“Now I know that every single day, the best and the worst, only lasts for twenty-four hours.” —Tricia Lott Williford, And Life Comes Back From time to time I’m approached about reading and reviewing new books, often by authors who are transitioning from blog to novel. I love doing this because I get the chance to

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