Monthly Archives: February 2007


If you noticed the earth not rotating on Thursday night—my bad. Yes, totally my fault. I went out for a drink with friends after work. That’s right. I went out. As in, I was at a place that was neither work, nor my apartment…at night…for something social. I’m going to give you a moment to

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Found It! I have found it. Click on that link, and you will see my new destination. I am packing as we speak. Then all I have to do is find a fish, or build a house. Then bam—married. Way easier than filling out the 27 page form. Way easier than actually trying to smile through

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Anyone see American Idol tonight? Anyone else start crying uncontrollably? Just me? Damn. But seriously– the man who kept his “lady (of 20 years)love’s” spirits up through her cancer by getting a petition signed so he could audition on the show (I think he said he was 64). Yeah… some of you know who I’m

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