Monthly Archives: October 2013

Stuffed Animal Travel

I don’t often cross post during the week, but this feels like something you need to read about on a Monday:   Send your stuffed animal on a trip of your dreams (Video) If you have always dreamed of visiting the fabulous sites of Japan, but can’t quite come up with the money, or time

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This Week on Dating in LA

Pumpkins, goats and ridiculously needless cosmetic procedures filled my thoughts this week.  If you were busy and missed any of this insanity, take a look: Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths My Hollywood Story Let’s just say I’ve gotten some interesting requests during auditions. NSFW: Hot Air up the Hooha Do  you have a

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NSFW: Hot Air up the HooHa

A friend sent this to me in an email yesterday: Oh, ladies. What are you doing? It’s not enough that waxing, tattooing, bleaching and vajazzling have become part of your worlds, but now you are going to spend your days blowing hot air up your hoohas?

My Hollywood Story

When I first arrived in Los Angeles, I thought it would be fun to get involved with the acting community here. Having grown up doing theater and later dance, I figured I could do it as a hobby since it seemed to be everywhere. Let’s ignore my obvious ignorance about how Los Angeles works for

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This Week on Dating in LA

My week was full of pumpkins and wine– so really, I can’t complain. If you were also wandering from tasting room to tasting room, this is what you missed. Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths Would You Rather Have Sex Or… Respondents recently took surveys citing examples of things they would rather have than

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Would You Rather Have Sex Or ….?

The other day The Huffington Post published an article called the 8 Things People Would Rather Have Than Sex. The article gives a basic review of the results of recent surveys judging what people would choose over a night (or year) of sex.

This Week on Dating in LA

Road trips, writing and brainstorming filled my week. If your week was similarly busy, here is what you missed: Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths Holidays Are Right Around the Corner A plea for people to focus on one holiday at a time– for instance, let’s enjoy the ones in this month rather than

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