Tag Archives: Comedy

‘Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths’ Behind-the-scenes featurette sneak peek

The ‘Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths’ DVD comes with a behind-the-scenes featurette featuring interviews with the cast and creative team. Here is a sneak peek!     'Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths' Behind-the-scenes featurette sneak peek from Kate Dating on Vimeo.

‘Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths’ Behind-the-scenes featurette sneak peek

The ‘Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths’ DVD comes with a behind-the-scenes featurette featuring interviews with the cast and creative team. Here is a sneak peek!     'Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths' Behind-the-scenes featurette sneak peek from Kate Dating on Vimeo.

Speed Date Improv #8

This is the last of speed dating bonus footage. The final “gentleman” who sits down across from Kate is not someone we unfortunately get to know because by the time it is his turn, Kate has had it with the speed dating scene and the sorry excuses for men it has to offer, so she

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This Week on Dating in LA

This week has been another busy one for me. My book came out, and I did quite a bit of travel freelance work. So, if you were on the go, like I was, here is what you missed:   Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths Interview for Squidoo Author Series How You Can Buy

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Speed Date Improv #7

And then there was Andrew… The penultimate “gentleman” who sits down across from Kate pretty much epitomizes the worst part of entertainment industry males. He’s a bit crunchy yet materialistic; he takes calls on dates because no one is more important than him; and of course, he has an issue with age. Starring Patricia Steffy

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Speed Date Improv #6

Bonus footage:  this character seems like such a prince…   The sixth “gentleman” who sits down across from Kate actually strikes her interest for a second while talking about how hard it is to make a connection in Los Angeles. But before you (or Kate) get your hopes up too high, this guy comes with

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Speed Date Improv #5

And the bonus footage from Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths continues– The fifth “gentleman” who sits down across from Kate is an actor who is not only really proud of his earning potential but is also convinced the speed dating set-up has been rigged with reality cameras to help make him famous. Starring

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How You Can Buy “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming”

  So, the big day has arrived. While Amazon gave a sneak to people, today is the official release date of “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming.” Every author hopes that their book finds an audience. I certainly do. But more than just readers, I’m hoping that

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Interview for Squidoo Author Series

Bonnie Diczhazy did an interview with me about “My Letter to Fear (Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming)” for the Squidoo Author Series: http://www.squidoo.com/an-interview-with-patricia-steffy-my-letter-to-fear-essays-on-life-love-and-the-search-for-prince-charming The book is officially released tomorrow, but Amazon has actually already made it available for print book and Kindle orders.  In fact, you can find a link to the

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