Tag Archives: Dating in Los Angeles

A Little Bit of Funny on a Friday

Because it’s Friday, and I think you should have something to help the day go by (and bring on the weekend faster), I’m posting up this short clip of the hilarious Carla Renata reading “Expired” from “My Letter to Fear: Essays on Life, Love and the Search for Prince Charming.” I didn’t know Carla before

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This Week on Dating in LA

It has been a busy week here at Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths. If you’ve been busy, too, here is what you’ve missed: The Advantages of Dating After a Certain Age While aging in LA brings challenges to the dating scene, there is also one very big advantage Relaunching the Travel Blog Check

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The Advantages of Dating After a Certain Age

My friends and I love to complain about what it’s like to date after a certain age. We have a whole “slightly older than Bridget Jones” routine down cold. And we’re hilarious and should start writing that stuff down. But despite the humor of it, and the fact that Los Angeles’s social structure tries to

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Enjoying the Single Life (aka The Urban Family)

A little over a year ago, I had someone look over the pitch for the web series. I wanted a male perspective, and he had many wonderful and useful comments about the approach to the series. However, one of his comments really stopped me in my tracks. He said, “No one will ever believe she

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About A Boy

I’m picturing you kicking back at your desk right now. The after lunch “God, this afternoon will never end” blahs are starting to hit you dovetailing nicely with the “I ate too much at lunch” fatigue.  You thought about getting back to work, but decided to take a slight detour from being very nearly productive

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Take a look at how you relate to the world around you for a moment. Think about how you cope with your daily life. You seem pretty well-adjusted, don’t you?  You aren’t in prison. You don’t have an account with the local drug lord. You and your friends have mutual non-aggression pacts in place, and

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Rebooting in Beverly Hills

When I was first approached about reading Rebooting in Beverly Hills by Marcy Miller I wasn’t quite sure what I’d find. Was it a dating guide? Was it a novel? Was it self-help? I wasn’t sure, but since I could relate to a degree to the notion of having to start over after a certain

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During my first couple of years in Los Angeles, I would meet up with friends and watch this local band play.  It was fun, low pressure and pretty casual– particularly since we knew the guys in the band. We weren’t besties, or anything like that, but we knew them well enough. Sadly, I had not

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