Tag Archives: Mike Faiola

This Week on Dating in LA

This week has been another busy one for me. My book came out, and I did quite a bit of travel freelance work. So, if you were on the go, like I was, here is what you missed:   Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths Interview for Squidoo Author Series How You Can Buy

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Speed Date Improv #6

Bonus footage:  this character seems like such a prince…   The sixth “gentleman” who sits down across from Kate actually strikes her interest for a second while talking about how hard it is to make a connection in Los Angeles. But before you (or Kate) get your hopes up too high, this guy comes with

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‘Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths’ Sizzle Reel

It’s here! It’s here! The sizzle reel for the original web series based on this blog is here. It’s a quick glimpse at what will be the first season of the series. Please feel free to send the link (https://vimeo.com/77469627) to everyone you know (or don’t know– I’m not picky). I hope you enjoy your first

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Behind-the-Scenes: Dating Advice for Kate

The characters (and actors) of Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths (the original web series coming soon) have some dating advice for Kate. From heartfelt to hysterical, they give their take on the pitfalls of dating in any city, but especially LA.  Fans of The X-Files will get a particular kick out of Chloe’s

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Leap #2

This blog has always been about leaps of one form or another– leaps of faith, leaps of insanity, leaps out of the way. At times, it may have felt like being thrown off a cliff, instead of a willing jump, but for the most part the leaps have been good decisions. Yesterday, I took another

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