Category Archives: Production Notes

Writer’s Blog: Seeing the Words Come to Life

[Reposted from the Production Tumblr] Despite the fact that this web series started as a blog, I’ve always found sharing the things I write with the world to be a very challenging process. A blog is relatively anonymous. Having your work produced is not. I’ll admit that this took some getting used to. Every time

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Taking Center Stage

I grew up doing theater, and I performed as a dancer (at least periodically) up until about five/six years ago, so you would think that being in front of the camera for the web series would not be a terrifying prospect. Ha! So wrong. My performing background has always run somewhat in contradiction to my

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Leap #2

This blog has always been about leaps of one form or another– leaps of faith, leaps of insanity, leaps out of the way. At times, it may have felt like being thrown off a cliff, instead of a willing jump, but for the most part the leaps have been good decisions. Yesterday, I took another

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Latest News

  Just in case you aren’t glued to the original series page on this site, I wanted to let you know that in addition to Lesley Fera (Pretty Little Liars, Southland) and Jen Lilley (General Hospital, Days of Our Lives), our cast now includes Kristoffer Polaha (Life Unexpected, Ringer) and Tamara Taylor (Bones).  This is

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