Monthly Archives: July 2012

Day of Discovery 4: Creatures

The “you can’t always get what you want” theory (or lyric, if you prefer) seemed to get reinforced somewhere along this winding road. For instance, I do not look like Marion Cotillard (unacceptable). I did not find the inspiration to write the next great American novel (which was at least partially the point). Colin Firth

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Day of Discovery 3: Penguins

I have discovered many things today: Margaritaville will always make me smile, but I will be grinning particularly big if you are strumming a guitar on the wharf as the sun is setting. This guy is my new best friend.  I have named him, and though he does not know it yet, we are buddies.

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Day of Discovery 2: Cows and Sea Otters

I’ve learned two things today:   1.  Cows are not always interested in having their photographs taken. You need to respect that and not try climbing over a fence to try to change their minds. I’m not saying I did that (particularly if that is a felony), but if I had done that, I’d stick

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Now That’s a Statement for a Monday

I was wandering up a winding street when I happened upon this message by the side of the road. It appeared to be painted (or written) on a board that was propped up against someone’s stone wall.  Whether it expresses the sentiments of the person living there, or it was left by an artist with

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