Monthly Archives: May 2012

I Will Be Signing Autographs at the End

While text messaging with The Man has not been the best introduction back into dating that I can think of, it has given me an odd sort of confidence.  Now you could point out that since SF has been embellishing the texts, that he’s the one who should have the dating confidence and not me.

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You shouldn’t have it.  You shouldn’t even want to have it.  You shouldn’t contemplate having it.  Your mind shouldn’t vaguely flit across the idea of it.  The concept should be forcibly removed from the pathways of your brain. So, naturally, it’s all you can think about. Sound familiar?  It does to me, too. Lately, I’m

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To Text or Not to Text

“Have been seduced by informality of messaging medium into flirting with office scoundrel, but will persevere with resolution to find nice, sensible man.” Bridget Jones. Right. Much like Bridget, I too have been seduced by informality of the messaging medium. Alas, I fret that I will indeed end up doing something colossally stupid with scoundrel

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Dating Profile

In my research into the mating habits of the average Angeleno, the subject of online dating is consistently broached. While I’m still hoping for miracles in the form of blind dates, I have acknowledged that this option does exist.  If I decide to go with a traditional online site (which already sounds like an oxymoron),

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When the Moon in the Sky…

Saturday night saw the rise of two anticipated events:  Super Moon and pizza/game night.  The Super Moon you probably read about, but pizza/game night wasn’t just an “eat pizza while playing games” kind of experience.  No! We actually made our own pizzas. Now I can’t cook. Scratch that. I don’t cook often. I find that

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Friday’s Recommendation: Divorce Envy

I highly recommend reading the piece Divorce Envy written by Eleanore S. Wells (author of The Spinsterlicious Life) in today’s Huffington Post (  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had this very conversation with friends. It’s truly remarkable—particularly since the vast majority of the people I know are “never marrieds.”  Still the social

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