Monthly Archives: June 2012

My Jeans Mean What???

I’m trying to grasp the subtle (and not so subtle) nuances associated with clothing messaging—and I don’t mean t-shirt logos.  Don’t worry if you are confused. I am also befuddled by the concept. Apparently, there continues to be a vast underground network that decides the meaning of certain accessories and fabric colors. For instance, this

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Have The Relationship You Want

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I’ve been reading Rori Raye’s ebook: Have the Relationship you Want.  I wasn’t sure I’d get much out of it– I’m not in a relationship… in fact, I’m so far away from one that I can barely remember what the thing looks like.  But I took the plunge

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So, What Do You Want?

I’m reading a book right now for an upcoming review (more about that later), and I ran across this quote:  “Wanting something is essential to getting it.” (Have The Relationship You Want, Rori Raye).  Now while this was said in the context of maintaining or starting relationships, it set my brain on a slightly broader

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The TV Factor

I ran across an article on that featured quotes by ABC Entertainment Group president Paul Lee on, essentially, the rise of intelligent television programming.  In particular, this quote struck me: “Storytelling itself has changed because our viewers have changed,” ABC Entertainment Group president Paul Lee said this morning at his opening presentation for the

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“I can’t do this. I’m not good enough, and I can’t make people care.” Those are the things that run through my mind with an alarming frequency these days. It doesn’t seem to matter what the context is. Writing, relationships, job prospects– more often than not, my reactions are the same.  It’s not unsupported doubt.

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Cheapest Cities

As I reflect on my increasing poverty, I find myself drawn to web zones like the Yahoo! Real Estate section. Do my eyes deceive me? Are there no cities in SoCal on that list? Shocking. Shocking, I say. It’s not that there aren’t many things to do in Los Angeles that are free or

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