Tag Archives: vajazzling

How You Can Buy “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming”

  So, the big day has arrived. While Amazon gave a sneak to people, today is the official release date of “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming.” Every author hopes that their book finds an audience. I certainly do. But more than just readers, I’m hoping that

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NSFW: Hot Air up the HooHa

A friend sent this to me in an email yesterday: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/10/22/v-steam-controversial-facial-for-your-reproductive-parts/?intcmp=obinsite Oh, ladies. What are you doing? It’s not enough that waxing, tattooing, bleaching and vajazzling have become part of your worlds, but now you are going to spend your days blowing hot air up your hoohas?