Tag Archives: Los Angeles

Does Your Identity Depend on Your City?

    I was reflecting a bit on the book Million Dollar View which I posted about on the blog yesterday. I may be off-base about this, but I got the feeling that one of the lead characters so deeply identified with the bohemian aspects of her city of choice (and, as it happens, birth)

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The Comeback

Much to the surprise of everyone around me, though probably even more of a surprise to myself, right after writing Stalling Tactics, I went back to dance class. In fact, I’ve been to three now—only missing one when other commitments and a deadline got in the way. I suppose it isn’t really accurate to say

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Date Night Alternatives

Summertime means evenings with warm breezes and light that lingers. To me, it also means enjoying some alternatives to the “dinner and movie” date night. Personally, I love when the summer concerts start. That was true even when I wasn’t dating someone. My friends and I would  head over to Bouchon for happy hour at

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This Week on Dating in LA

Pumpkins, goats and ridiculously needless cosmetic procedures filled my thoughts this week.  If you were busy and missed any of this insanity, take a look: Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths My Hollywood Story Let’s just say I’ve gotten some interesting requests during auditions. NSFW: Hot Air up the Hooha Do  you have a

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This Week on Dating in LA

This week has been a week on the go. If you’re just checking in, this is what I’ve been writing: What Inspires You? Do you see something, or do something, that acts as a consistent source of inspiration? Words to Live By I found a banner out in the world that made me laugh (and

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Review: 30 Days of New

My “30 Days of New” challenge ended last week. How time flies! Most of my discoveries were small things: new restaurants, new products, new tools (Instagram!), and new shows. I did not discover a magical mystery tour. I did not find buried treasure during my first hike on a desolate beach (that one really bummed

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Review: 30 Days of New

My “30 Days of New” challenge ended last week. How time flies! Most of my discoveries were small things: new restaurants, new products, new tools (Instagram!), and new shows. I did not discover a magical mystery tour. I did not find buried treasure during my first hike on a desolate beach (that one really bummed

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New Week, New Technology

There was quite a lot of new over the weekend, but most exciting for me was the upgrade (finally!) of my phone. None of my apps were really working anymore (mostly because, as my friend C put it, they were made in 1984), and it was looking like I might lose out on some writing

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Everything Old is New Again with the Victorian-Era Homes of LA

I’ve started trying to stick to a new rule– don’t engage with other drivers on major thoroughfares after 2pm. Today I broke that rule in the search of something new.  It took me three times longer to get where I was going, but I finally hit Carroll Avenue in my quest to see the Victorians.

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