Tag Archives: new year’s resolutions

The Food has Spoken!

Now that the Chinese food has spoken, I feel really good about my creative (and financial) prospects in 2015. The project one was actually shared with Andy (there were three fortune cookies, so we shared the last). As he also has projects in progress, we high-fived each other, and decided that these fortunes, above all

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Jumping into an Organized 2015

There’s something about coming into a new year that inspires nearly everyone on my social media channels to grab new planners and vow to be more “on top of things” in the new year. This year, I’m jumping onto this bandwagon – though it may have more to do with that “Lessons from Madame Chic”

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My Favorite Things in 2014: Family

I feel like this year really was about family in some new ways, and I thought that it deserved to be #1 on my list of favorite things. First, I got the chance to spend some quality time with many members of Andy’s family. I’ve enjoyed getting to know them, and we’ve had the added

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My Favorite Things in 2014: Being Exposed to New Authors

Thanks to this blog, I’ve been exposed to a wide range of new authors – new in the sense that they are publishing their debuts books and new in the sense that they were new to me. I’ve been lucky enough to read everything from mystery to historical drama to travel books in the last

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My Favorite Things in 2014: Theater

Despite my less than wealthy status, I’m happy that I’ve continued to make going to live theater a priority. It’s not always easy, but it can be such a powerful experience that I hope that no matter what I’m doing professionally, I can always make it a part of my year. This year, I’ve seen

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Find Courage

I was texting with a friend last night, and I was struck by the realization that something vital had been left off of my new year’s resolution list. It turns out that among the career goals, I had inadvertently left off “Find Courage.” I don’t actually think of myself as a timid or fearful person

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