How You Can Buy “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming”



So, the big day has arrived. While Amazon gave a sneak to people, today is the official release date of “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming.”

Every author hopes that their book finds an audience. I certainly do. But more than just readers, I’m hoping that people connect with the pieces. I’m hoping that people see themselves in the emotions expressed. I’m hoping that they laugh and cry and laugh more.

And I need you to spread the word.

Where can you buy the book?

  • Print version can be ordered from Amazon books.
  • Kindle version can also be ordered from Amazon.
  • Nook users, I have not forgotten you. I believe they have taken off the pre-order, and you can buy it now from Barnes & Noble
  • You can also buy it in an number of other electronic formats directly from Smashwords


More e-book distributors should be coming online soon, including Apple iTunes and Kobo. I’ll be sure to let you know once those channels are running it.

I’d love to explain how I’m feeling about all of this right now. I’m certainly excited for this work to finally be let out into the world. I’m also incredibly nervous about it. Much like with the web series, when you start letting people read your work, you are introducing a level of vulnerability that isn’t always comfortable.  Add to that the fact that this project has been running around my brain for the last few years, and it all seems a bit unreal to me.

I know I have a lot of work ahead of me. Even my author friends who have had publishing deals at big houses did 90% of their own publicity. I’m learning book marketing on the fly, and I’m hoping for the best.

Deep breaths. And here we go…

2 comments on “How You Can Buy “My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming””

  1. KateDating

    Thank you! I’m trying hard to look at this as an important step forward on a long journey.

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