Tag Archives: Prince Charming

Smashwords Interview with … um… me

This seems a bit weird because we talk all the time. We’ve bonded. But just in case you want to learn more about me, you can head over to read this author interview I did with Smashwords. This is all in anticipation of the official release of My Letter to Fear (Essays on life, love

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Speed Date #1 and Leaps Forward

The last seven days has been another one of those periods where it feels like long-gestating projects are making big leaps into being. It’s exciting, but it’s also a little dizzying, as I try to keep track of it all. Book My Letter to Fear (Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming)

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My Letter to Fear Book Update

If you are a long-time reader, you know that I have been working on a series of essays based on true stories—both mine and from a number of different women. What started out as a small project of about 20 perspective pieces swelled to 60 different essays on life, love and the search for Prince

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