Review: “And Life Comes Back”


“Now I know that every single day, the best and the worst, only lasts for twenty-four hours.”
—Tricia Lott Williford, And Life Comes Back

From time to time I’m approached about reading and reviewing new books, often by authors who are transitioning from blog to novel. I love doing this because I get the chance to discover new authors (and their blogs), as well as dive into their stories. This was the case when I was asked to review “And Life Comes Back” by Tricia Lott Williford.

Tricia Lott Williford jumped onto the blog scene in September of 2007 writing about life, marriage, faith and teaching her two young sons. But in the midst of this life and this exploration an event occurred that changed everything—Tricia’s young husband, Robb, died.

Robb’s death and Tricia’s struggles to move forward are central to her debut novel “And Life Comes Back.” It’s a powerful story told with such unflinching honesty (and surprising bouts of humor) that it is impossible not to get emotionally caught up in it.

She doesn’t make herself, or Robb, into a saint. She doesn’t paint a rosy glow over the marriage.  These are real people in real relationships. And because of those choices, the story is all the more relatable to the reader. She is quite candid about how difficult it was just to put one foot in front of the other after his death, and she grants the reader a glimpse into her day-to-day attempts, missteps and triumphs.

She’s equally candid about how essential her faith and her family (both incredible support systems) were in starting the healing process.

“And Life Comes Back” is an inspiring story of someone facing unthinkable sorrow and finding strength and hope for the future. It’s a powerful first book for Tricia Lott Williford—the first of what I hope is many.

“And Life Comes Back” will be published by Waterbrook Random House on February 18, 2014. It is available for pre-order now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, among other vendors.

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