The Special Glow,2933,475905,00.html

True love last forever—or at least that’s the case being made by a group of scientists in the latest love study. Romance novels (chick lit and harlequin varieties), all those movies and teenage dreams got themselves a bit of validation this week. Although I don’t remember brain scans being involved in any of those Judy Blume books. Perhaps I missed a couple along the way.

They have posited that brain scans indicate that essentially the intensity of the first blush of love can remain in couples decades later. What I need is for scientists to figure out how to get rid of that. Clearly, I’m all for forever love. I’ve had forever love (it just turns out that forever is just slightly shorter than it used to be). But what happens to one of these people if her brain is “oooh, Mr. Darcy” and his brain scan is “see ya”? Is true love only mutual? Does that make her love for him less “true” if both scans aren’t glowing in the dark?

And if she has this “true love” glow about her what the heck happens to her if she now finds herself alone? Does her glow for that long-departed person mean that she’s blocked and can’t glow for someone else—you know, barring radioactivity, of course? Does it only get triggered when she’s in the presence of the other person? So, she’s fine unless on the eve of her dating someone else, she runs into him in the dog food aisle at the grocery store—at which point you can see her from space?

These and a million other probing questions will undoubtedly be in the next study that I will personally fund. No reason. It’s just all about the science for me. Mostly.


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