First Dating Disaster

Everyone has at least one story that falls under the category of “Dating Disaster.”  From being stood up to getting a booty call text from someone you aren’t dating (but wanted to before he ruined it by treating you like a call girl), each of us has a story.  I’m starting a series of videos about the disasters of  dating for the web series, but this one you guys get first.
I give you “Prom.”


The campaign for the web series is ongoing.  Please donate here to help make the series a reality!

4 comments on “First Dating Disaster”

  1. Bonnie Diczhazy

    I think I have that picture somewhere : )

  2. Bonnie Diczhazy

    I think I have that picture somewhere : )

  3. KateDating

    LOL!! I think all my high school stuff is still at my parents’ house.

  4. KateDating

    LOL!! I think all my high school stuff is still at my parents’ house.

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