2nd New Thing: When Everything Goes Wrong—Improvise

I had a plan for the day. I was going to go up to the Getty and take a collections tour. I’ve done individual exhibits before, but never anything like this, so I thought it would fit in with the “trying new things” challenge. Plus, I like sitting on one of the lawns and looking out over Los Angeles. For brief seconds I can almost believe that I’m viewing the city from my home (not only inspired by moments from “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler,” but also because the last time we were up there, my boyfriend asked a security guard if they have ever caught anyone living there).

Alas, the plan (and the illusion) was promptly disrupted by an over-enthusiastic museum going crowd. So much so that their massive underground parking structure was completely full, and everyone was being directed to overflow parking. Suddenly, my vision of quiet strolls and reflection seemed unlikely to materialize in reality. This coupled with the fact that my apartment (including the bathroom) had been without water all morning meant that I was feeling less flexible than normal. So, I drove off.

Chocolate Chip Cookie from Funnel Mill.

Chocolate Chip Cookie from Funnel Mill.

I’d love to say that “Plan B” involved jetting off to Paris.  It did not. I did have a very nice lunch with a lovely fellow that ended in a new coffee/cookie place in Santa Monica. As I know that you people are both dedicated to caffeine and cookies, I bring you: Funnel Mill Rare Coffee & Tea. Picture a very civilized writers’ room with dark furniture, sofas, and the constant flow of interesting coffees, and you’ll start to get the picture. I’m not kidding about it being a writers’ room. Everyone in there had a computer and a plot. However, as they did not check for my WGA status, I’m sure everyone is actually allowed to visit. Also, there are vegan goodies there, too, so your entire gang can find something to give them a little burst of happy.

Waiting for "The Holy Grail" at the Street Food Cinema event.

Waiting for “The Holy Grail” at the Street Food Cinema event.

Just in case you are rolling your eyes and complaining that this is not enough “new” for your day, I’m giving you a bonus.  I almost started this challenge on Saturday because I finally set out to enjoy an outdoor movie, as part of the Street Food Cinema summer program.  We went to go see Monty Python’s “The Holy Grail.”  Even though it was a little chilly when the sun went down, we had a fantastic time. There were tons of food trucks, a band, very funny games related to the movie, and, of course, a classic comedy. I even met new people—who I spoke with. I know. It was crazy.

The site of the Street Food Cinema changes from weekend to weekend. We were in LA State Historic Park (right by the Metro for those of you lucky enough to be close to a line), but they are often in Exposition Park.  Tickets are not expensive– $10 for general admission, or a bit more if you want to reserve seats up close to the screen.SFCFoodTrucks

Friends and I have long talked about going to one of the screenings, but downtown always seemed to deter us. Now that I’ve experienced it, I won’t hesitate.  The atmosphere is was festive, but not out of control. Mostly it was just groups of friends or couples picnicking and enjoying a night out under the stars (or search helicopters–which was the case at one point, but even that didn’t detract).

So, it might not always be planned, but little bits of “new” are happening.

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