Tsunami Advisory

So, I’m sitting here watching weather porn—more commonly referred to as the weather channel, and a blaring warning started scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Apparently, most of the pacific coastline is under a “tsunami advisory” post Peruvian earthquake (if you have loved ones in Peru—hope that they are all ok!).

Now, I’m all for advanced warning, so I immediately called Chloe to tell her that her evening bike ride on the strand might be a bit soggier than anticipated. Logically, she inquired as to what exactly an advisory was.

Yeah, still don’t know. It sounds less dire than a warning or a watch. I understand that warnings are set off by ocean sensors when the ocean levels change. Presumably the levels all change when the actual earth moves, yes? I also understand, largely because of Chad on CNN, that there aren’t very many sensors along the Peruvian coastline, so they might not know until it is in progress that something is headed to them locally.

That’s not so much comforting.

Our advisory came from Hawaii. Hawaii is looking at being double screwed as they are facing a tropical storm from one direction and a potential tsunami from another. Talk about a bad week.

However, after reading Hawaii’s alert, I’m still not certain what this all means. Should we all be engaging in weather porn? Should I head east instead of having a casual sunset viewing party of one? Should I just watch more weather channel and CNN in hope that some of the incredibly hot meteorologists are sent out into the rain, where they will be sporting jaunting baseball caps while watching their clothes get nearly blown from their wet, dripping bodies…muscles rippling…

Wait, what was the question?

Anyway, I just think that a “tsunami advisory” should actually include advice. Otherwise, they should just call it “tsunami casual mention”.


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