Blast from the Past
Do you ever suddenly, absolutely need to hear a song that you probably haven’t heard for 15-20 years? That was me last night. I was overcome with the need to hear “The Flame” by Cheap Trick. I don’t remember ever owning the song before—in fact, I don’t remember owning a Cheap Trick album. And yet, I had to have this song immediately. Thank goodness for iTunes.
Judy Greer
Judy always makes me smile when I see her (unless she’s doing something super serious and then that would be awkward). She should be everywhere. If she were eight inches shorter, I’d have her play Kate in the series that I hope to someday make of this blog. Much to my delight, it turns out that she is in a new place I just discovered: she does a series called “Reluctantly Healthy” for Yahoo. I discovered this because I’m incapable of not clicking on a link that guarantees me a flatter belly, and kept clicking on her other pieces because her reaction to not eating sugar would also be my reaction to not eating sugar: disdain and fake vomiting. So, check out Judy and the tips here:
Context is Everything
Have you ever noticed that some things sound incredibly romantic in context, but out of context actually sound creepy and slightly stalkerish? For instance, that Cheap Trick song I mentioned earlier has really lovely lyrics in context: “Wherever you go, I’ll be with you.” That’s charming. That’s swoon-worthy—unless, of course, the person singing them to you is someone you can’t stand and is in violation of a restraining order. Then… not so much. Same goes for “I will find you” by Clannad (from “The Last of the Mohicans”): “No matter where you go, I will find you…if it takes a thousand years.” Sure, when Daniel Day Lewis was yelling it, it might have seemed like a good idea. Otherwise, it sounds like witness protection isn’t going to be the guarantee you thought it would be.
And these are the things I think about on a Thursday morning. What are you pondering?
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