On a normal day from my past life, I would be very unhappy right about now. It is raining in Los Angeles—this never bodes well. People can’t drive in it. I don’t park close to my apartment, and I really have lost my tolerance for being out in it. If this had happened a year ago, I’d be slogging my way to my car, bitter that I couldn’t wear jeans to work, trying to keep my heels from being destroyed, lamenting the early hour and wishing that I could curl up on the couch with a book and a blankie.
This year… DOING IT.
Forgive me for taking a moment and thinking “well, alright!” thoughts. I’m absolutely certain I’ll be struck down with the plague for being able to enjoy the sound of the rain outside and wearing sweats. But… DOING IT.
Lest you be concerned that your solid, recent advice has been ignored, fear not. I am slowly working my way around the plan. I even went to the grocery store yesterday (shockingly painful, though it was). And because I did not procrastinate, I now have this day where I do not have to venture out in order to find a way to feed myself (and the poor pizza delivery guy will also not have to brave the hazards to find me).
In addition to getting down to the serious business of exploring my options, I’m trying a new mental approach. Don’t worry—it’s not very “Secrety.” It’s gratitude. I know this sounds outrageously positive for me, but I’m going to give it a shot. I am incredibly lucky to have this opportunity (not just the staying home when it rain parts, but the year off, in general). So many people have told me that they wish they had the ability to take a year and just do something else—even people who are relatively happy with their lives. While at the end of this year, I’m really going to need to have landed somewhere with an income, for right now this is a chance I should be grateful for having.
So, I’m going to try this approach and see what happens.
I give it a week.
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