I just have a very quick question about destiny, as we all begin to enjoy the coming weekend. I just looked up the definition of destiny. Dictionary.com has it as “the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events.” Cool.
Here’s my question-
If I believe that dating and marrying George Clooney is my destiny, then it really doesn’t matter what I do to achieve this, right? If it is destiny, I’m every bit as likely to see this predetermined course of events occur if I’m plucking my eyebrows, or not plucking them. Right? I could hide in my apartment, celebrating the joy of a room entirely filled with dark chocolate, and still date and marry George. Right? So, the fat sucking, eyebrow plucking, afternoons on all fours in front of a waxer are not really necessary. Total sloth and days filled with the comfort of soft cotton sweats and a blankie are as effective as hours doing ab crunches and spandex-wrapped squats.
Justification. It’s a beautiful thing.
Kate, feeling slothy, in LA.
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