Three Good Things

Malibu GrapesPen and I have adopted the “three good things” rule for the next few months.  Essentially, rather than complaining all the time, we’re going to reduce that to complaining only ninety percent of the time. In the glorious ten percent of non-complaining time, we will note three good things that have happened that day.

They might be small things (a stranger saying he liked my smile and asking me to marry him), or big things (achieving a goal of some kind). Whatever we think of as being positive aspects to living on the earth on that particular day will get written down into a journal to remind ourselves that even when things aren’t going our way, it isn’t all bad. And it never hurts to add some gratitude into the mix.

I know what you’re thinking, “You won’t do that!”  Ah, but I will. I wrote it down in my strategic plan, and once it is written into the plan, I have a compulsion to at least try to do it.  Plus, it’s also part of Pen’s strategic plan, and if you know anything about friends and accountability, you know that this is as good as done.

What are my three good things for the day?

  1. Finding the motivation to write again
  2. Free wine tasting
  3. Lots and lots of cheese

See? These things may not seem all that revolutionary to you, but as I was thinking of them, I started to smile. Because of these things I’m feeling pretty positive about today. And that’s a good first step.

7 comments on “Three Good Things”

  1. Dee Murray

    1) I didn’t cry at work today
    2) if I DO cry before 5:00 I have orange soda at home
    3) my kitty cat waits at the window for me to get home and circles around in happiness when she sees me

  2. Dee Murray

    1) I didn’t cry at work today
    2) if I DO cry before 5:00 I have orange soda at home
    3) my kitty cat waits at the window for me to get home and circles around in happiness when she sees me

  3. Bill

    Not that you need to know this but I’ll play along today and try to make this a habit. It’s a good one!

    1.) My seven year old Houston and reading him bedtime stories.
    2.) Holding my one year old as I rocked him to sleep.
    3.) Reading your post and remembering how much I have to be thankful for.

  4. Penelope

    Finding three good things in any situation, doesn’t erase the bad stuff, but it gives us something to hold on to even when things look bleak. Just the act of stopping and thinking of something positive can shift our energy.
    My three good things for today are:
    1) I walked 4 miles this morning
    2) I have homemade chocolate chip cookies at home
    3) Breeches

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